A rapidly growing biotech company on the western side of Route 128 was getting a lot of attention from investors and eventually secured $55 million in funding. The only problem was that the Venture Capital investors required them to immediately switch from their small firm to a Big-4 auditor and audited financial statements were needed asap.
Their small CPA firm had taken care of all their accounting for several years, but the Big-4 auditor, because of how they apply the auditor independence rules, would not take on the company’s accounting. Suddenly the CFO was required to prepare and complete all the supporting analysis related to some fairly complex accounting, including the technical memos, to prepare for the audit. The auditors wanted to understand the technical accounting guidance to support the accounting treatment for certain equity instruments. Were they derivatives? Were the warrants debt or equity?
Where was the analysis of the stock options? Supporting analysis was needed. Looking at the complex equity instruments that were connected to the round of financing, and with a deadline fast approaching, the CFO decided that additional technical accounting resources were needed. A team member from Stone was able to go in, review all the documents, resolve the accounting issues and provide the technical accounting memos and related analysis to support the accounting treatment and satisfy the Big-4 auditor.